Call Us: 810-953-3846
Brett Howell, the founder of the Elder and Estate Planning Law Firm, specializes in helping Michigan families protect their estates. Whether you are worried about nursing home expenses that cost approximately $9,000.00 per month, assisted living expenses, having your estate avoid probate court or planning for a special needs child or grandchild, Brett has helped thousands of families obtain peace of mind when faced with such issues. Often this involves qualifying for Medicaid or VA benefits, creating a trust for an estate or a special needs trust for a disabled loved one. If you are dealing with any of these issues, contact our office for a confidential consultation to discuss your concerns with Brett – you will be glad (and relieved) you did.
Estate Planning
The task of planning your estate is often quite daunting. Whether you are deciding between a will and a trust, choosing an agent for your powers of attorney, or just trying to sort through all of the misinformation of the internet, estate planning often seems overwhelming. Fortunately, certified elder law attorney Brett Howell can help with all of your estate planning needs. Brett can help you choose between a will and a trust, give helpful suggestions for choosing an agent, and answer all of your estate planning questions. In order to provide families with a starting point for their estate planning, our law firm provides information online about the basics of estate planning. If after reading the information, you have further questions or wish to begin planning your estate contact our office to schedule a confidential consultation.